- Make-A-Wish® grants a wish, on average, every 35 minutes to a child with a life-threatening medical condition
Happy Holiday's From the Cook Family
December, 1st thru New Year's Day
Christmas is both a sacred religious holiday and a worldwide cultural and commercial phenomenon. For two millennia, people around the world have been observing it with traditions and practices that are both religious and secular in nature.
Rosemont Lights is a Christmas Light display in Sacramento, California, put together by the Cook Family with lots of Fun and Love. For as long as I can remember our family has celebrated this special holiday with love, thanks and decorations. Each year we decorate our home for the holidays with lights to share with the world. Each year’s light display is extraordinary. The family dedicates a lot of time and energy to bring out that special and magical feeling that is in each and every one of us. Enjoy!
The lights are animated by computer and synchronized with music. The music can be heard by tuning your car radio to 100.7 FM when you are nearby.
The display is scheduled to run from December 1st Thru New Year's Day. Sunday - Thursday 6:00 PM to 10:00 PM & 11:00 PM Friday & Saturday. The show might start earlier for testing and bug fixes.
A quick note to the media: If you are planning to mention this display on TV, radio, or in a print publication, please Warn Us so we can prepare for the increase in traffic which follows.
With a display like this our neighbors put up with a lot, so we want to make sure they aren't putting up with more then they need to. Please be careful while viewing the display. Stay off their lawns and out of their driveways. Dim your head lights down to your parking lights. Park so you’re not blocking traffic. We ask you not to litter. Please keep your cars radio at a comfortable level inside your vehicle and give our neighbors the right away. Keep the Christmas sprit alive by thinking of others. We thank you. Wishing you & your family a Merry Christmas, and all the best in the New Year.
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Helping grant the wishes of children with life-threatening medical conditions to enrich the human experience with hope, strength and joy..
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